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Supervised and Monitored Visitation


Sometimes it is necessary for the well-being of a child to have a neutral, experienced third-party supervise or monitor the visits between a parent and his or her child.  This could be because there are concerns about the parent's ability to keep the child safe or to behave appropriately around the child, because the child has had little or no previous contact with the parent, or because the parent is lacking in basic parenting skills. 


During supervised visits, Child Advocacy Services' staff are present throughout the duration of the visit to ensure that the children remain safe and to provide assistance to the parents on meeting the needs of their children.  Monitored visits occur when there is a much lower level of concern for the children's well-being, in which case Child Advocacy Services' staff are not always present in the same room as the children and their parents, but are close by to check up on the parents and children as needed. 





When parents cannot safely or comfortably exchange their children between them due to domestic violence issues or other concerns that present safety issues for one or both parents or for the children, or when one or both parents cannot act appropriately when together and in the presence of their children, Child Advocacy Services can provide a safe, comfortable and appropriate environment in which a parent can leave his or her children in the care of Child Advocacy Services' staff until the other parent can come to pick up the children, thus ensuring that the parents will have no direct contact with each other. 

Parenting Classes


There are no perfect parents or perfect children.  Even in the best of situations, with parents with sound parenting skills and children with no particular behavioral issues, situations and issues arise which will tax the parent/child relationship.  In most cases, people become parents with little or no background in parenting and without the skills and knowledge needed to successfully guide and manage their children from infancy through toddlerhood, preadolescence and teenagerdom.  All parents can benefit from training on how to become better parents. 


Child Advocacy Services provides parenting training to help parents become better parents, thus helping to ensure that children will grow up to be happy and successful and helping parents maintain a certain level of sanity in the process.


Child Advocacy Provides Parenting the Love and Logic Way classes on Saturday evenings from 5 pm to 7 pm.  There are 6 classes in all and you do recieve a certificate of completion at the end of the 6th class. The cost of the class is $12.50 for the book and $12.50 for each of the 6 classes that you attend.  We can also provide a letter if this is needed for probation purposes. Spanish and English books available.

Child Advocacy Services provides a safe, comfortable environment in which parents and their children can spend time together.

Children can safely and comfortably wait at Child Advocacy Services after having been dropped off by one parent and awaiting the arrival of the other parent


Child Advocacy Services charges fees for all of its services.  Fees may vary based on a sliding fee schedule.  For more information, including a fee schedule, please contact Child Advocacy Services. 


We accept payment via Venmo in-office.


Application for Funding (Family Court Canyon County)

Application for Funding ( Family Court Ada County).

Child Advocacy Services of the Treasure Valley


Telephone: 208-475-4614  or  Cell- 208-407-1080

Fax: 208-936-4455​

Address: 712 12th Avenue North

              Nampa, Idaho 83687

Located off of Garrity behind the train at LakeView Park

Email address:

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